Car sellers need to consider some important factors that determine the resale price of a used vehicle such as its condition, modifications, and mileage among others. The value of a used vehicle starts depreciating once it leaves the showroom as new vehicles depreciate at a faster rate than old vehicles. However, with some necessary steps taken, car owners can slow down the depreciation of the vehicle that helps them in selling a used car at a fair price.

Here are some common factors that help determine the resale value of a used vehicle.

Condition of the Vehicle

The condition of a vehicle plays a crucial role in determining its resale price that includes its wear and tear. Car sellers need to be careful about any previous repairs or existing damages that can have a negative impact on the resale value of a vehicle. Checking some important things including exterior paint, lights, tyres, scratches, and brakes can help sellers selling the vehicle quickly.

The used car market in the UAE is diverse and there are many car buyers available who might be interested in buying a used vehicle. Car buyers would like to examine a used vehicle closely before making their decision. To boost the resale value of the vehicle, you can get it professionally washed and evaluated. It is advised that if car sellers find any visible dents or scratches on the vehicle’s body, they need to go for a complete maintenance job before selling the vehicle.

The interior of a used vehicle holds huge importance in determining its resale value. Car buyers would be interested in buying a used vehicle quickly if its interior is clean and well-kept. Car sellers can use a professional service to clean the interior and purchase new rubber floor mats to increase the value of the vehicle. However, it has been recommended that sellers need to do a thorough cost-benefit analysis of every major repair before getting them done as this would save them money. Car sellers can skip repairs that are expensive and do not add value.

Car Modifications

Car modifications impact the resale value of a used vehicle. These modifications can include changing the colour of the vehicle, modifying the interior, and adding a body kit. Car owners modify their vehicles to make them look different, but some modifications can decrease the value of the vehicle. Mostly, car buyers would prefer buying an unmodified vehicle that can lower the resale value of your used car if it is extensively modified. Car sellers might struggle finding a potential buyer for the vehicle if they have an odd car colour. Therefore, sellers need to keep the original colour of the vehicle intact so that they can sell it at a fair resale price.

Also read: Key Steps Inexperienced Car Sellers Must Follow When Selling a Used Car

Documentation of the Vehicle

Car buyers would like to purchase a used vehicle quickly if car sellers maintain its original documents. One of the most important aspects of the car selling process is the documentation of a vehicle. Sellers can find it difficult to sell a used car with incomplete documentation or any illegality in the documents. A seller needs to keep the registration documents and insurance documents of a vehicle. In addition to this, car buyers would ask sellers to provide all maintenance records of the vehicle. Car sellers might have to present their identification documents for any legal work as well.

Mileage of the Vehicle

The mileage of a used vehicle can impact its resale price as buyer would prefer a car that has been used less. Vehicles with lesser mileage have a greater resale value as compared to vehicles with higher mileage. The addition of more miles can lower the resale price of a vehicle.

Also read: What is the Right Time to Sell a Used Car to Get the Best Price?

The Best Way to Sell Your Used Car

When car sellers have extensive knowledge about multiple factors that can determine the resale value of a used vehicle, they can decide the right time to sell it. It is to the benefit of sellers to be aware of the latest market trends. Car sellers can get a comprehensive car evaluation so that they can sell the vehicle at a suitable price.

A specialist car buying company offers the best car buying services to car sellers in the UAE. It has a zero-obligation car valuation procedure that is completed in two steps. In the first step, car sellers can estimate the value of the vehicle using the company’s online car valuation tool. In the second step, sellers can book an appointment with the car expert team of the company for the physical inspection of the vehicle. The experts ensure that the vehicle is thoroughly inspected, and the final offer is the actual resale price.

Also read: 7 Smart Moves that will help to sell your car today

The car evaluation procedure of a specialist car buying company ensures a thorough process to determine the resale price of a vehicle. Once car sellers get the final price, they can decide if they want to accept it and sell the vehicle or not. The evaluation service is free of cost for car sellers so if they decide against selling the vehicle they will not be required to pay.

If sellers accept the final price, they will sign a sales agreement with the company and the title of the vehicle will be transferred. A specialist car buying company follows a safe payment method and pays car sellers through an electronic bank transfer. The company takes care of the post-sale paperwork for the enhanced convenience of sellers.

Therefore, when sellers want to sell the used vehicle to buy a new one with improved performance capabilities, they can sell any vehicle in just 30 minutes through a specialist car buying company in the UAE.

Planning to sell your old car then can be the right place to sell your used car. Get a free valuation of your car for sale to know the best price of it.